We have many good reasons for innovation.

The Hirschvogel Group is one of the largest international automotive suppliers in the area of steel and aluminum forging as well as subsequent machining. Our customers include all renowned automotive manufacturers and suppliers worldwide. And we are now also in the fast lane in other industries, too.

After all, when it comes to high-strength and weight-optimized parts and components, we are able to bring vast experience and innovative spirit to the table. In addition, we have efficient know-how in implementing completely new solutions quickly and cost-effectively.

Our development partnerships also know no limits. We have been working together with partners from industry and universities for a long time now in order to jointly tap innovation potential. After all, no one can create the future on their own.


With the founding of the Frank Hirschvogel Foundation in 2007, the family shareholders sent out a clear signal for the future – one that safeguards the Hirschvogel Group as a financially independent and autonomous family enterprise, and one that assumes social responsibility.